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Monthly Archives: Friday May 13th, 2016
Bioinformatics and the beginning of life – interview
On the 7th of May in the TV show “Rozmowy niedokończone” (eng. “Unfinished talks”) an interview with prof. Jacek Błażewicz and prof. Marta Szachniuk has been held. The interview was about bioinformatics and its influence on the world. You can … Continue reading
Tagged interview, JBłażewicz, MSzachniuk
Highlights on the Wikipedia
Scientific paper entitled “Hypercycle” written by J. Błażewicz, N. Szóstak and Sz. Wąsik, has been published in PLOS Computational Biology journal, This journal has a collection of articles concerning key factors from the computational biology, which is called “Topic Pages”. … Continue reading
Tagged bioinformatics, JBłażewicz, NSzostak, SWasik, wikipedia