The Poznan Monographs in Computing and Its Applications series publishes the very latest, high-quality research results in computing and its practical applications. It includes primarily doctoral and postdoctoral (habilitation) dissertations written by scientists from Poland from the Poznan scientific environment. The most valuable dissertations are selected from the range of monographs published by scientists from the Faculty of Computing and the Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunications at the Poznan University of Technology (PUT) and from the Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center (PSNC). The series goal is to promote interesting research results and spread it to broader audience. Before the series was established such monographs were shared with very limited group of people and it was almost impossible to reach them by interested readers. Each position in the series is carefully reviewed by experienced professors and then corrected according to their remarks.
Wojciech Jaśkowski 1. Algorithms for Test-Based Problems ISBN: 978-83-89529-89-3 |
Agnieszka Ławrynowicz 2. Frequent Pattern Discovery from Knowledge Bases in Description Logic with Rules ISBN: 978-83-89529-90-9 |
Mirosław Ochodek 3. Empirical Examination of Use Case Points ISBN: 978-83-89529-91-6 |
Jędrzej Musiał 4. Applications of Combinatorial Optimization for Online Shopping ISBN: 978-83-89529-92-3 |
Jakub Bernat 5. The Modelling and Control Problems of Permanent Magnet Motor ISBN: 978-83-89529-93-0 |
Miłosz Kadziński 6. New Directions in Robustness Analysis and Preference Modeling in Multiple Criteria Decision Aiding ISBN: 978-83-89529-94-7 |
Jerzy Błaszczyński 7. Rule Models for Ordinal Classification in Variable Consistency Rough Set Approaches ISBN: 978-83-89529-95-4 |
Agnieszka Rybarczyk 8. Algorytmiczne aspekty procesu degradacji RNA ISBN: 978-83-89529-96-1 |
Łukasz Józefowski 9. Application of the apportionment theory to discrete resource allocation ISBN: 978-83-89529-97-8 |
Szymon Wąsik 10. Bioinformatyczne modele i algorytmy infekcji wirusowych ISBN: 978-83-89529-98-5 |
Łukasz Piątkowski 11. Server Synchronization Protocols for Session Guarantees in Mobile Environments ISBN: 978-83-89529-99-2 |
Radosław Ziembiński 12. Odkrywanie Kontekstowych Wzorców Sekwencji ISBN: 978-83-63919-00-9 |
Anna Leśniewska 13. Analysis of RNA-Sequencing Data Using Data Mining Methods to Find Novel Transcriptomics Phenomena ISBN: 978-83-63919-01-6 |
Marcin Borowski 14. Modele i algorytmy identyfikacji sekwencji peptydowych ISBN: 978-83-63919-02-3 |
Rafał Różycki 15. Szeregowanie zadań obliczeniowych z uwzględnieniem ograniczeń energetycznych ISBN: 978-83-63919-05-4 |
Piotr Formanowicz 16. Teoria złożoności obliczeniowej. Wybrane zagadnienia ISBN: 978-83-63919-06-1 |
Grzegorz Pawlak 17. Models and Algorithms for Scheduling Tasks in Car Production Systems ISBN: 978-83-63919-07-8 |
Marek Mika 18. Nowe modele i algorytmy problemu rozdziału zasobów, inspirowane problemami szeregowania zadań w gridach obliczeniowych ISBN: 978-83-63919-08-5 |